Happy Young Mother And Three Children Snuggling On Bed

Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapists are qualified health professionals who help people do the everyday things that are meaningful to them when illness, injury or life experience get in the way. We call these everyday activities ‘occupations’ as they are the things that occupy our time – and this is where our name comes from. There are also a lot of things that can happen on the mothering journey that get in the way of us living our best life, so this is why more and more occupational therapists are now working in women’s and maternal health. 

Our work is grounded in the understanding that our bodies do not exist in isolation. We are impacted heavily by our environment, expectations, cultural norms and the activities we need to do. We also believe that our physical, emotional and cognitive selves are interconnected and rooted in spirituality or a deep sense of self. We listen to you to make sure we understand your situation, all the roles you play in your life, the unique challenges you face and how you feel as you go about daily routines. Occupational therapists then focus on getting you involved in the everyday activities that you need or want to do.

Depending on your circumstances and preferences, there are various strategies that we might suggest. For example, there may be new ways to pick up your child so your back pain isn’t aggravated, or different positions that allow you to enjoy intimacy with your partner. Exploring your personal values may help you feel confident to ignore unwanted advice from people around you, or adjusting your daily routines can reduce stress and anxious feelings. Changes to your posture and breathing may help your core muscles and pelvic floor work better, soft tissue body work could reduce discomfort from scar tissue, and relaxation or mindfulness techniques might help calm your mind when you feel overwhelmed. We can also explore how your mothering experiences live in your body and play out in physical symptoms, menstrual cycle challenges or mental health challenges. My goal is to empower you to take charge and self-direct how you will find the wellbeing and vitality that you seek within the context of your mothering life.

So what would you like mothering and life to look and feel like? What is currently getting in the way of that?

Many women experience motherhood in one of its forms. You may not be familiar with occupational therapy as a resource for mothers, but mothering is one of the most encompassing and challenging occupations that we can ever take on. A different perspective may be just what you are looking for.

All appointments at The Wild Orange Tree are offered as occupational therapy sessions and may be eligible for Medicare or Private Health Insurance rebates.
