Why on earth would I do that? A chat about internal body work and reasons you might consider it

So what do you do? Really? I didn’t know anyone did that? I didn’t know it was something available…

These are often the responses that I get when I mention internal vaginal or pelvic bowel body work. As a Holistic Pelvic Care and Birth Healing practitioner, this is a technique that I use in a variety of ways to support women with a range of symptoms or goals. Whether you are pregnant or postpartum; trying to resolve pelvic pain or symptoms; or wanting to explore more deeply what you hold in your pelvic space – intravaginal body work can be useful and profound in your journey toward healing and vitality.

My blog post this month is a chat about internal body work, what is actually involved and when you might consider it. If you have any other questions that I haven’t covered, send me an email and let me know what they are. I would love to answer them for you.