Want Smoother Birth and Better Recovery?

Isn’t this what every woman would wish for in pregnancy and after birth?

So often women are told that nothing can be done or that difficult births and ongoing pain are inevitable. Another example of common but definitely not normal.

In her work, Lynn Schulte from the Institute for Birth Healing has discovered some really simple techniques that do support women to experience smoother birth and much better recovery. From helping women understand their bodies, allow room for baby to be in a good position and check for movement in the pelvis prior to birth; or looking at the position of the organs and bones and how this might be contributing to pain or pelvic health issues after birth – Lynn is passionate about supporting women to recover fully from their birth experiences and she uses her body work experience to address the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of this mothering transition.

This morning I had a chat to Lynn about her passion and the ways she works with women in this space.

Lynn is also coming to Melbourne from 20-23 June 2019 to offer her pregnancy and postpartum body work training. So if you are a mumma looking for the support that Lynn spoke about, there will soon be Birth Healing trained practitioners in the local area. And if you are a practitioner wanting to train with Lynn, we still have some spaces left on the course. Either way, I’d love to hear from you.