Everything you thought you didn’t need to know about healing from a c-section birth

You birthed your baby into this world via c-section. Maybe it was expected; maybe it wasn’t.

Initial healing has happened and the incision has closed, but you are left with a whole heap of questions. Questions that you thought you would never ask. Questions that no-one else seems to be asking. Are other c-section mums experiencing this too?

Why am I feeling strange sensations in my vagina?
Why does sex hurt?
Why can’t I use tampons?
Why can’t I breathe well?
Why do I get emotional when I touch my scar?

Some mothers recover with no issue from their c-section. But I also see a lot of women who are confused and frustrated with the symptoms they are experiencing. Some are really struggling for answers because they have been told that ‘everything looks good’.

I also hear from mothers who have pre-booked a body work session for after birth and are wondering how it might be relevant since their baby arrived via c-section.

So I thought it was time to do a video specifically around c-section and ways you can support your body physically, energetically and emotionally to heal and recover.

This month’s video blog is for the c-section mumma’s.