Why mothering might feel so hard right now, and ways you can get unstuck

They say that mothering is meant to be hard, but should it really be this hard?

It’s certainly a question I have asked myself. And many other mothers have asked me the same thing in various ways.

Pregnancy, birth and mothering is a profound rite of passage and some level of challenge is intrinsic to an initiation. However, our cultural and social systems have shifted in a way that leaves mothers very unsupported. So rather than being held as we find our way into mothering, we are fumbling through alone without a village, with unregulated nervous systems, juggling various roles – amidst a pandemic.

This month’s video blog is my reflection on why mothering can feel so difficult, but even more importantly – some things that you can consider doing if you feel a bit stuck in mothering right now.

If you want to access my Top Ten Circuit Breakers for Stopping Mumma Overwhelm, you can access them here.

And if you want to find out more about The Menstrual Mother you can check out the link here.