Hair, hair everywhere…. or is it going down the drain? Digging deeper into postpartum hair loss

Hair loss after babies.

Everyone seems to be talking about it in mums groups, online and with their friends.

“What shampoo should I be using?”

“Does this hair mask work?”

“Has this hair treatment (which costs hundreds of dollars) helped you?”


Because hair loss seems to be a rather prevalent problem.

And I think its even more of a concern that hair loss after birth is something that we have almost normalised.

While shampoos and treatments can sometimes get us results, I believe that we need to dig deeper into what is happening that leads to this hair loss.

It actually comes back to how we are supported through the mothering transition.


Check out my video on what is happening with postpartum hair loss, and some different ideas for what we can do that moves beyond bandaid approaches.


Cover photo by kyle smith on Unsplash