Turning holiday chaos into peace, joy and honouring

I hate to remind you, but yesterday was one month until Christmas.

Still November. But I feel the holiday season breathing down the back of my neck…

For while December is sold as a wonderful time of the year – and indeed it can be – it also represents a whole heaps of women’s work. Of mother’s feeling utterly overwhelmed and even less supposed than they already are.

For while people want to hold the baby, they have forgotten how to hold the mother.

I don’t have a magic pill to make Christmas meet your needs as a newborn mother – or a mother of any age.

However I can encourage to lean into where you are in your mothering cycle or menstrual rhythm.

I can prompt you to get clear on your values for what is actually important to you and your family this December.

Give you ideas for what to let go of, and how to ensure you feel honoured and considered this silly season.

This month’s video blog has become a mini masterclass in taking the time to plan and honour so that this festive season is a time of peace, joy and nourishment. For you.

And that planning needs to start now!

So find yourself half an hour, grab a pen and paper, and let’s do this.

Peace and joy are on their way.