Are you a piece of work? Menstrual cycles, creativity and the roadmap to navigate everyday big and little things

Have you ever been told that you are a piece of work?

It’s usually not a positive thing.

Yet our menstrual cycles are a beautiful rhythm for transitioning through the big and little things that we encounter in our everyday lives. A guide for how to pull all the pieces together regardless of how complex the puzzle looks or feels. Whether its a major project or inspiration, the mundane tasks we rarely even thing about, or some really hard self growth – we need to move through the stages of the creative cycle. We can’t get stuck in just doing or planning or resting. And typically the final stages of celebration and restoration are what we forget about. Then we wonder why we are exhausted and depleted.

If it’s time for you to tune back into your feminine rhythms, join me for this chat about creativity and how it lives inside us.