Going with the (menstrual) flow…

What do your menstrual cycles mean to you? And how have they defined or contributed to your journey so far?

Have you ever stopped to reflect on what messages you received about periods, cycles and the role they play in your life?

So often we are disconnected from our monthly cycles. We experience them as an inconvenience, and something that we need to hide or even try to ignore. We talk about ‘managing’ our periods. And sometimes for good reason. While it’s definitely #commonnotnormal, so many of us do experience negative symptoms during our cycles. It can also feel really difficult to talk about the changes we experience during our cycle due to negative comments about ‘being on the rags’ or ‘must be PMS’.

These cultural narratives don’t seem to help the ‘flow’.

The largest majority of us aren’t taught about the power that lives within our cycles. The way these cycles are a roadmap for using our feminine energy and preventing us from getting burnt out – to keep us from getting lost. How they can guide us through our mothering journey and provide a fierce and powerful ally for our health and well-being. If you haven’t heard about menstrual cycles in this context before, it might come as a surprise. Or maybe you are starting to sense something bigger and greater about these feminine rhythms within your own body and want to know more.

I’d love to show you a way of looking at your life flow and re-defining how menstrual cycles, rites of passage and the things around us can all contribute to going with the flow.

Join me for a conversation about river banks, rocks and driftwood. When we recognise the internal resource that come from our feminine rhythms, we can lean into them and use them to navigate the juggle of life and mothering. It’s definitely time to flow.